Our team consists of experts with an extensive understanding of the Cypriot and Indian markets. Our policy experts have a profound understanding of political events, providing you with the best connections and we are headed by a leadership that has the foremost knowledge, experience, and connections to support you in your business endeavors. We bring a strong network of business and government contacts who have an extensive understanding of the challenges a new company will face in Cyprus and India, and they are accompanied by a qualified team of business specialists, and advisors on market entry, who have extensive business experience.

The knowledge and information we provide to our members allow them to plan and operate a successful business. Our team assists our new members by providing detailed consultations, recognizing the elements needed, and delivering practical advice according to your needs.

We identify the right partner for our members and we guide them in the primary stages of your networking by connecting you with reliable clients, partners, and distributors. We organize and provide market visits that are tailored for you. Our visits are planned to provide a clear understanding of the business culture in India and Cyprus. We organize custom events to test and launch their products in the market.