Services provided on Corporate Strategy, Business Model Transformation, Economic Policy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Organizational Strategy, Functional Strategy, Strategy & Operations, and Digital Strategy. Strategy consultants can lead strategic advisory projects including the assessment of strategic options, support of business planning processes, and the development of growth agenda such as market entry strategies.


Negotiating and communicating with suppliers, customers, competitors and the social and economic environment of Cyprus by protecting the relationships with clients and competitors.


The IN2CY membership will give you access to the IN2CY professional community. You will have the opportunity to grow your network, meet entrepreneurs and build meaningful, mutually beneficial business relationships that will support you and your business in the long run. In our Forum, you will join dedicated groups and projects to interact online around specific topics based on your interests. In our online and inperson events, you will have the opportunity to interact with other businesses to find solutions to your business problems, raise your business profile and identify opportunities and synergies. Our platform will provide you with direct access to talent and customers and suppliers.


The INCY membership, will give you access to information that holds meaning, value and significance to your business. Various sources of information, including reports, spreadsheets, metrics, regulatory reporting, web pages, documents, and dashboards will provide information to you and your business in order to solve your problems and identify opportunities and strategies. You will be granted direct access to benchmarking, market analyses and analytics, and in-depth sector-specific information on how to start, run and finance your business.


Every country has different legal structures to choose from and advice from multiple sources can be conflicting. We help our members to choose the correct option and walk them through every aspect of the setup, simultaneously creating the continuing eco-system which supports ongoing legal and financial compliance. You inform us about your needs and we help you prepare efficiently with no unwanted surprises.

There is a vast pool of talent in Cyprus and India, but it is crucial for every business to find the right people. We assist our members in coordinating the entire process, ensuring to help you understand the market and essential employment practices which can help you to find ideal clients in good time. We help in finding the right talent which drives the strategy of your business with predictable fixed budget costs.


IN2CY assists its members in registering their businesses in Cyprus and India and connects them with compatible business partners. On behalf of our members, we provide prompt and ongoing feedback to respective governments. We organize meetings for our members with government authorities and produce sector-specific content to inform our members and stakeholders about both opportunities and challenges experienced by businesses in the Cyprus-India corridor. We create insightful and well-researched intelligence reports for our members, while also providing access to valuable content. We conduct exclusive events which enable entrepreneurs to meet and interact, identify suppliers, potential partners, and customers, and benefit by learning from leading business commentators and leaders.