Common points between Cyprus and India

Calling them twins would have may be an exaggeration, but for sure we could have “baptize” them sisters! We are of course talking about Cyprus and India! We are pretty sure that you look a bit stacked behind your screen, but grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the rest of this article, which will persuade you that even if Cyprus and India are geographically not that close, they still holding hands!

Let’s take the time back in 1961 and specifically in Belgrade! That’s where the “Non-Aligned Movement” was born! Amongst the Movement’s leaders and creators we can find Yugoslavia’s Tito, India's Prime Ministe Jawaharlar Nehru and Makarios III, first president of Cyprus. All of the leaders supported the idea that the developing countries should remain non-participant in the Cold War between the Western & -the Eastern blocs. In the meantime they stated neither capitalism nor communism should be their guideline, but another way to make people’s lives better.

In addition to the above, both India (1858-1947) and Cyprus (1878-1960) had been colonies of the United Kingdom. India has been one of the most important colonies of the UK and without a doubt it was a turning point in the phenomenon of colonialism, since the independence of the country, marked at the same time the beginning of the phenomenon of decolonization internationally. Mahatma Gandhi had an important role in the liberation movement. The Indian politician was an advocate of resistance but on the same time of the “non-violence” against colonial power. Apart from the decisive effect of India's independence on the beginning of the phenomenon of international decolonization, one of the consequences of India’s independence that also interested Cyprus, was the creation of expectations among the Greeks of Cyprus, about their own freedom from Great Britain. In its turn, Cyprus gained its independence rather than the Union with Greece.

After all, as it’s easy to imagine both Cyprus and India present many similarities after gaining their liberation and independence. India was devised into Pakistan and India as we know it today, due to mainly religious issues, while Cyprus is divided in two parts after the Turkish invasion in 1974. Republic of Cyprus which is recognized worldwide after the independence in 1960 and it’s mainly inhabited by Greek Cypriots & Northern Cyprus which is recognized only by Turkey, who has installed there its army after 1974 and it’s mainly inhabited by Turkish Cypriots and Turkish settlers.

More? What about left-hand traffic? Both countries have that until today, as well as a mainly common constitution! Talking fluently in English is also an ability that the main part of both Cypriots and Indians present and a huge advantage in the sector of communication, once it comes to business issues! Once more, all of the above are mainly a result of the British colonialism and what it left behind.

Indian history, as well as Cypriot, has its foundation very deep in the past and both countries present a “pure fight” to survive through the decades and centuries.

Aphrodite Venus goddess of love island was settled by humans for the very first time in the Paleolithic time. In the Bronze time, Mycenaean Greeks arrived at the island and that point we notice the Greek name of the island whose sources are found from the Greek word for the Mediterranean cypress. Of course we also mention the possibility that the island took its name from copper, due to the large reserves of copper that existed in Cyprus (Latin word: Cuprum). In the Early Iron Age, based on myths we could connect the foundation of Cypriot town with Greek heroes returning from the Trojan war 1200 BCE! Teucrus, the brother of Aias founded Salamis, as well as Agapenor from Arcadia Greece founded Paphos! After all, Cyprus could blame his ideal geographical position for all the conquerors who passed from its history! Venetians, Franks, Turks, British and until today Turks, who occupy almost the half of the island!

India, during the Bronze Age, had its civilization which was in today’s Pakistan. The main civilization took place between 2600 to 1900 BCE. Moving a bit forward to Iron Age, we can also meet the Vedic period (1500 – 600 BCE), where we can find the Vedas, which are some of the oldest extant texts in India. Let’s move on to the Classical period (320 – 650 CE). The Gupta period was characterized by the cultural progress shown, in areas like literature, sculpture, painting and architecture. Next step: Early Modern period (1526 – 1858)! Throughout these years the economy of Indian progressed and on the meantime peace with the country’s neighborhoods was maintained. And by the end of this era, it was the British one that took place until 1947! Since its independence, India advances day by day, economically, politically and maintains the high level of its culture!

Today both Cyprus and India are moving towards growth and prosperity and while holding hands as two friendly but also so much culture related countries and in so many other ways.