What is the KYC ( Know Your Client) procedure my lawyer and my Service provider requests?

When you are investing in Cyprus and or any other European destination, your Lawyer requests many documents naming them KYC ( Know Your Client) documents and here below we identify the KYC documents your service provider requests.

According to the European Central Bank Regulations and the European/International regulations, a Service Provider is obliged to require information in order to safeguard that his clients are not engaged in any Money Laundering Procedures or financing of terrorism.

The prospective client should provide his personal details, background information and the sources of his health/income. Standard documents which should be provided are:

  1. true copy of passport,
  2. utility bill of the permanent home address,
  3. business card,
  4. marriage certificate if applicable,
  5. recent bank reference letter,
  6. CV and
  7. relevant prove for the sources of funds.
According to each specific case, more documents may be requested.

The above procedure is standard and has to be followed extremely carefully so you can prove that your funds are legitimate and so you can enjoy a swift investment procedure.