How do I sign a power of attorney?

We have lost count how many times we have heard ‘how do I sign a power of attorney?’ It is vital to ensure that your power of attorney is signed and certified correctly to ensure it will be valid for use in Cyprus.

We have prepared the below instructions on how you should sign your power of attorney correctly.

How to Sign, Notarize and Apostille a Cyprus Power of Attorney

This is a step-by-step guidance for when you need to sign, notarize and Apostille a power of attorney for your affairs in Cyprus.

Firstly, it is vitally important to ensure that all information on your power of attorney is correct. You should always ensure that your name, identity documents and address are correct.

If there are any issues which need rectifying you should inform your Lawyer in Cyprus to make the appropriate changes.

The power of attorney must be signed and authenticated in one of three ways:

  • If you are in Cyprus, at a mukhtar or at a Certifying officer.
  • If you are outside Cyprus, at your nearest EU / Cyprus Embassy or High Commission. (Please see point B as below)
  • in certain countries, you can sign the power of attorney in the presence of a notary republic AND APPOSTILLED (Please note the document must always be apostiled if signed in the presence of the notary republic) (NOT AT A LAWYER or a VET or a BANK MANAGER or a DOCTOR.) (Please see point B as below) it is very important that your Notary will make sure that he takes all measures to APPOSTILE his signatures. This is a simple procedure whereby he sends the notarized document to the Foreign Ministry where they use a special procedure to confirm that the notary is legal and under oath.

When you sign the power of attorney it is VITAL to ensure that:

  • All signatures must be in blue ink.
  • You must sign every single page.
  • The notary must stamp and sign every single page.
  • If two pages are attached then the notary must fold the first and second together where they are stapled and stamp that little corner so to show that these two pages are bound together. This is to prove that these two pages are one document signed by you on the same day.
  • There must be stamps from the High commission and / or the notary on ALL pages of the power of attorney. (Please see following pages which show how the document should be stamped).

Please note that if the document is not signed and stamped correctly as per these instructions, the power of attorney will not be valid for use in Cyprus and the whole procedure will need to be repeated.